Mr. Vivek Gupta
HOD (Head of Department)
Degree: B.Sc. (Maths), M.C.A., M.Tech
Academic Area: Computer Science, Mathematics
Experience: 15 Years
E-mail: vivek@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: UGC (NET), GATE, IBPS
Brief Profile: Mr. Vivek Gupta believed in interactive teaching skills. Attended various conferences abroad (Germany & USA), has two years of academic and cultural experience in USA. Mr. Gupta also worked in State Bank of India. He has attended many National & International Seminars, published papers in various journals and also presented a paper in National conference held at IIT. BHU. Being part of various organizing, cultural, examination and academic committee, he has rich academic experience.

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Bhandari
Assistant Professor
Degree: B.Sc.(CS), МСА
Academic Area: Computer Science, Mathematics
Experience: 15 Years
E-mail: pkbhandari@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Mr. Pradeep Kr. Bhandari is working in ICST, SHEPA. He believed in strict discipline environment with soft teaching skills. He has attended many national & international seminars. Being part of various organizing. Cultural examination and academic committees, he has rich academic and administrative experiences.

Dr. Vijay Pathak
Associate Professor
Degree: Ph.D. (CSE), MCA, M.Sc. (Math)
Academic Area: Computer Science
Experience: 15 Years
E-mail: vijaypathak@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: SQL Certified from Oracle
Brief Profile: Dr. Pathak has 15 years of experiences, 14 years of teaching and one year of industrial experience. He is SQL Certified from Oracle and expert in Programming Language, Oracle Database, Data Structure, and Web Technology. He has Life membership of Computer Society of India (CSI). He has published many national and international journal papers. He has also guided many Computer Science student for Oracle Certification Programs. He is In-Charge of Sports Committee of Institute of Computer Science and Technology.

Mr. Devesh Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Degree: MCA, M.Sc. (Math)
Academic Area: Programming and Mathematics
Experience: 14 Years
E-mail: deveshsingh@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: Appointed as deputy presiding officer in GATE Exam.
Book Title- Modern Management practices issues and challenges. Chapter- Decision support system, ERT Publication, New Delhi. Counselor in IGNOU (Computer application).
Organizer of Spoken Tutorial runs by MHRD and IIT Bombay.
Brief Profile: Mr. Singh has 14 years of experience in teaching and 8 year experience of counselling for computer application students. He is expert in programming languages like object oriented and Java, He also well experienced and qualified in field of mathematics and mobile computing. He has attended several seminars, QIP for development in teaching, different capacity. Presently he is working as a professor, Department of Management Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Varanasi Uttar Pradesh. (INDIA).

Mr. Vibhanshu Shankar Pandey
Assistant Professor
Degree: MCA, BCA
Academic Area: Computer Science
Experience: 12 Years
E-mail: vibhanshu@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: Appointed as a invigilator in GATE (2016-17)
Brief Profile: Mr. Vibhanshu Shankar Pandey is currently working in the Deptt. of Computer Science in ICST. He has attended many conferences and seminars. He holds specialization in operation research software engineering DBMS, Web Designing & C.

Mr. Ankit Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor
Degree: BCA, MCA
Academic Area: Computer Science & Technology
Experience: 6 Years
E-mail: ankitmishra@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Attended the National and International Seminar. Area of Interest in Computational Mathematics like Automate, CBNST, and Operation research Discrete Mathematics Etc.

Mr. Pankaj Pandey
Assistant Professor
Degree: MCA., B.Sc. (Math, Physics)
Academic Area: Computer Science and Application, Mathematics
Experience: 14 years of teaching and 1 year of Industrial
E-mail: pankajpandey@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: Certified in C#.NET, Certified in C++ programming by IIT Bombay, Certified in Internet Of Things (IOT) by IIT Kharagpur.
Brief Profile: Mr. Pankaj Pandey has 14 years of teaching experience and 1 year industrial experience. He is expert in programming languages (like C, C++, Java, .net)] Mathematics, Automata, Data Structure, Compiler design and IOT. He has attended many national and international seminars. He is member of Internet Society, Institute of Research Engineer and Doctor, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication (SDIWC).