Dr. Anupam Shukla
Principal, Institute of Computer Science & Technology
Degree: Ph.D. Commerce (PU, 2011) FDP (IIM Ahmedabad, 37th) MBA (MMMUT), B.Sc. UGC-NET(2012)
Academic Area: Marketing & Research
Experience: 18 Yrs.
E-mail: principal@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Dr. Shukla is alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad (37th FDP, 2015). Having teaching experience of more than 18 years, he is teaching Marketing strategic Management, Advertising, Marketing Research, Research Methodology, Statistics, Strategy Management to management graduates at P.G. & U.G. level. He has actively participated and presented papers in leading conferences at national and international level and his research works on performance management, knowledge management, retail industry, customer’s perception, and customer’s satisfaction which has been published in national journals. He has also organized national and international Conferences. He conducts Management. He is also actively associated with ICAI as a Resource Person for GMCS, (General Management Communication Skills), examiner for SMU & PTU, Centre Superintendent of various competitive examinations (offline and online) held by institutions like IBPS, CAT, GBTU, AIEEE, SMU, etc. As an extension to his academics he provides consultancy services to few industries located at Varanasi and Kanpur, in marketing and strategic area.

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan
Degree: M.Com, FCA, MBA, Ph.D.
Academic Area: Finance
Experience: 20 years of teaching and 8 years of industry experience.
E-mail: rajeevranjan@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Awards: “Banaras Ratna-2013” in the field of Accounting.
Brief Profile: Dr. Ranjan has attended more than fifty conferences and seminars including those organized by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He holds specialization in Finance & Accounting. He has written several research papers in national and international journals. Presently he is working at ICST Varanasi in capacity of professor. He is also a member of Varanasi Management Association and life member of Indian Human Right Committee.

Dr. Atul Pandey
HOD (Head of Department)
Degree: B.Sc., MBA., UGC-NET., Ph.D. (Commerce)
Academic Area: Marketing and IT
Experience: 13 years teaching and 07 years Industry
E-mail: atulpandey@icst.ac.in
Achievement & Award: In 2006 got Best Executive Award in Ajay Industrial Corporation, New Delhi.
Brief Profile: Participated in many National & International Conference, Seminar. Also attended FDP, QIP & Workshop. Published 08 International & 13 National Level Research Papers. Organized National Conference and Workshop. Editor of conference proceeding of National Conference.

Dr. Yogesh Kumar Mehta
Degree: B.Sc. M.A. (IRPM), LLB, MBA, PGDFM, PGDMM, Ph.D.
Academic Area: Finance, Research and General Management
Experience: 19 years of teaching and more than 3 years of industry experience
E-mail: ykmehta@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile:Dr. Mehta has published more than 20 research papers in National and International refereed journals. Published 3 research papers as a chapter in books and also reviewed a book. Dr. Mehta has also presented more than 42 papers in National and International conference and seminar. He has headed several committees. He is also associated with several editorial board of peer reviewed journals for the last 12 years. Dr. Mehta has also coordinated in organizing national seminars. He is also Life Member of various academic bodies. Presently he is serving Department of Management, as a Professor, at Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (India).

Mr. Manish Kumar Gautam
Assistant Professor
Degree: BCA, MBA
Academic Area : HRM, Business Management and Financial Accounting
Experience: 14 Years Teaching Experience
E-mail: manishkgautam@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: He is interested in exploring new learning environment to develop managerial skill. Attended FDP and seminar of national level. Also attended national level workshop.

Dr. Gyan Gopal
Assistant Professor
Degree: B.Sc., MBA, PGDRM, Ph.D.
Academic Area: Marketing and HRM
Experience: 13 Years Teaching and 02 Years Industrial
E-mail: gyanggupta@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Attended various FDP, QIP and Workshops, Conferences and seminar of national and international reputes. Published and presented 04 international and 10 national research papers.

Dr. Preeti Mishra
Assistant Professor
Degree: M.A. (Economics), LLB, MBA, UGC- NET
Academic Area: Marketing & H.R.M.
Experience: 13 Years Teaching & 03 Years Industry
E-mail: preetimishra@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Published more than 12 research papers in National Journals. Life member of UPUEA. Also life member of ICA (Indian Commerce Association).

Mr. Shafique Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Degree: M.Com., M.B.A., FDP-IIM(A)
Academic Area: Company Law, Financial Management, Consumer Behaviour, Marketing
Experience: 11 Years of Industry and 5 Years of Teaching.
E-mail: shafiqueahmad@icst.ac.in
Brief Profile: Mr. Shafique Ahmad has a vast industry experience working abroad, and is currently working in Management Department as an Assistant Professor at Institute of Computer Science and Technology, SHEPA, Varanasi. He has attended many conference and seminar. He holds specialisation in Finance and Marketing. Pursuing Ph.D. from GLA University, Mathura.